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Friday, August 26 . 12:48 AM

Wow..just came back from my npcc POC 2005..haiz..it was so so boring..unlike the last fews year that I had seen..I think that they all did't actually take the unarmed combat seriously at all not like last year our batch all of us was injure and there oso bruise on our hand too as we keep on punching the planks beside tat we oso play lah..then injure ourself..lolz..but this year the plank they hold..lolz..is already broken into half liao and some more they did't even kick it at all the plank already fly off their hands..lolz..damn fake...haha..I oni got to said that all the unarmed combat was so so damn fake...erm..the performance...sux man..dun know wat they are sanging wat song siaz..the speaker I think was spoil or not on barx..cause our side here cannot hear wat they sanging..nth can be hear..oni mumbling from the other side of the speaker..all was so like not prepare yet..haiz it so pathetic siaz..not much performance at all..no video clips,foto,CI perfomance,presentation of certificate...all was so look like more than asking rock band to perform than a POC...I think the POC was such a failure..anyway..this year POC although it so boring and not well organised..but I do appreciate wat they had perform for us..as this year I think they might had no time for practise as it was a 5-day wk..hope tat their next task will be better than this barx..k..tats all for the poc..erm with this poc..its mark the end of 4 year that I had in npcc...its brought mi laughter,sadness and oso some skill tats we use in life..remember last time..erm..in sec 3..ya..we were punished to take pebbles on our hand so tat we will lock our hand when marching..lolz..few of us go take the small pebbles then was being punished by holding up the pebbles with our hand standing right under the sun for abt 30mins..haha..its quite fun..cause when the CI was not looking at us..we were making fun of each other..saying alot of craps..haha..still remember one of the words tats I say when I holding the stone up high.."HOLY STONES GIF MI UR POWER"..lolz..haha..fun man..erm..still got one more..during our changing parade..haha...they said 7min must change from PT-kits to full-U..haha..inside the toliet we were joking and some were sanging song..it so relax..no urgency at all..lolz..camp time..so the funniest of all..I had alot of fun time in camp although is quite tough..but all these fun time is mostly at nite..during sec 2 time..we had changing parade at abt 2+..wa kao..tats was the toughest of all camp I had..sianz -.-"..we actually haf the changing parade for more than 5 time...from full-U to pt-kit and pt-kit to full-U..oh man..mi almost want to faint liao..is not tired at all..but is thirsty...anyway is over liao..think abt it..is quite fun actually..sec 3 time..NCO camp..one of my frenz from express..lolz..was so so..nosiy..keep on pestering me..calling me by my rank...which is Staff sergeant..wa kao..from 1st day..to nite time..even when sleeping..then to the last day of the camp..lolz..its seem like I owe him money like tats..haha..it so fun man..In npcc..sec 3 NCO camp is the oni camp whereby I did't sleep at all for the cause I was afraid tat CI might steal our uniform..but in the end they didn't...steal our uniform..but they "steal" our ppl..lolz..they call some of our friendly to go to their air-con room to sleep and nite time we were being wake up by the whistle..and haf to report our strength..but some were missing..therefore we were being punished again...lolz..anyway I think all the punishment is wat I had in my mind for the past 4 years..cause it was so so funny...beside punishment..we oso had some thing that we do is lame and childish..remember last year we stay back to prepare POC for the last year batch..haha..oni the girls practise..but the boys..lolz..was playing..cause no one was there to observe us..we even took out the tents pole to knock down rambutan from the trees..haha...during dec time...when we were praticsing the "SWAT" play to perform for the sec 1..lolz..we actually use the toy gun to play police and thief..haha..pretending we haf the real bullet..trying to kill each other..hiding all aroung the school..lolz..funny and lame game tat we had think of..haha..anyway these four years had brought mi alot of memory in my mind..I will not forget it till I leave this world..erm..tats all..brb

Tuesday, August 23 . 5:02 PM

< I'm addicted to you >

Monday, August 22 . 4:52 PM

Anyway this week..wed..my prelim is gonna to start liaoz..dun really haf the feeling of urgency yet..erm..feel quite relax..maybe I did't take it seriously barx..erm..got back my chinese prelim result liao..got an B3..haiz..atually plan for a A2..but cannot make it..anyway just hope that my overall result is gonna to be less than 10 barx..planning to get an A2 or B3 for my science...and hopefully an B3 for my humantities..while my maths and POA,I think passing is what I hope to haf and all the goal tats I plan is oni for this prelim itself barx..hopefully...as I hope to get a better result for my 'N' level...okiez..tats all...gonna to study for my prelim liao... ^_^

Thursday, August 18 . 5:17 PM

haiz..so sad and sianz..haiz..todae change my class to 4n3 liao..for the chinese lesson oni..:(..dun feel like going to 4n3 sia..all of them was so quiet very boring class siaz...and maybe tats why their result is so gd barx...but 4n1 is different..got the "atmosphere" over there..lolz..study at 4n1 is more "comfortable" than in 4n3...just dun feel like going to 4n3...as for the reason why...dun feel like typing it out...erm..k..todae didn't haf PE becos of the rain..oni take height and weight...haiz..tmr going to be a long long day for mi...:(..going to haf lesson at 4n3..haiz..in 4n3..times seem like passing veri veri slow...the class was so quiet..:0..feel like sleeping..and some more still haf poa..haiz..k.tats all..gtg

Wednesday, August 17 . 4:22 PM

Arghz..receive back my chinese prelim paper 2 liaoz..haiz..did quite badly for it lah..although still pass..haiz..pre-exam 1 for physic..fail by 1 marks..:(..get oni 24/50...SS same thing..21/50..:(..but nvm..think quite high in class liaoz..as there is oni 2 ppl pass..haiz so sad...fail 2 exam liao...;(..hope to do better barx for my prelim exam..erm..got to study for my prelim liaoz..maybe the reason why I fail pre-exam is becos I dun even study it at all...so for this prelim I gonna to study it and pass with flying colours..lolz..:)..hopefully barx..:P..k..erm..next friday is gonna to be my "Passing Out Concert" for the Npcc one...dun know should I go or not...still haven receive the invitation...so sad...wow..as the card was so nice...as I had took it and seen from some of my frenz..erm..its said tat can invite 2 of my frenz along lehz..hehe..k lah..tats all..got to study for my tmr chemistry test liaoz..got to pass !!!

Tuesday, August 16 . 9:27 PM

haiz..todae nth "big event" happen so there gonna to be nth for mi to blog at..but anyway gonna to start my revision tmr..lolz..actually want to start todae der..but forgot to bring my bk back..so start oni tmr..:(...anyway nowadays..tried hard to pay attention in math lesson..try not to fall alseep...lolz..keep on making fun of the teacher in my mind..try to make me keep awake..haha..k..tats all..

Friday, August 12 . 4:00 PM

WA...finally..3 prelim exam over...hehe..erm..Chinese..haiz..pp 1 think gonna to fail barx..cause it so so difficult for mi..dun know wat I writing oso..haiz..chinese pp 2..erm..think can pass barx...know most of the question..hehe..got back my CCA mark..haiz..oni get B3..8 point oni...1 year 2 points..75% per point and rank per point..just nice 4 plus 4 equal 8...lolz..erm..today had VE & SS prelim..VE..the page infont was easy but the last page was so difficult..dun understand wat its toking abt..-.-"..argh..some more I write wrongly for the MCQ...*Arbish*...ppl qrite the alphabets..but I go write the sentence out..siao liaoz..dun know ms gopal will close one eye or not..lolz..after that had my SS prelim..wa...first 2 question of the SBQ was easy..till the last 2 SBQ question..lolz..same thing again dun even know wats is toking abt...haha..then the Structured Essay qns..erm..dun haf any idea at all..think might be wrong..but oso might be correct too..lolz..50% right..50% wrong..where will I be ?..k..tats all..dun know wat to write liao..see you..brb...

Monday, August 8 . 10:10 PM

Just came back from the adam khoo workshop..its so so interesting and fun..all the way the lecturer was joking about and tok to us their story and wat they had face in lifez..its brought me better in understanding of life and why we live in this world for..and oso treasure wat we had now..such as our frenz and family...the adam khoo trainers was so so interesting..but oni one trainer which made mi fall asleep is the 2nd trainer(danny)...lolz..he just toking and toking non-stop..lolz..no joke at all..feel so much like sleeping..haha..but the 1st and 3rd trainers was different..they keep on telling jokes and in the way that we oso know wat he is trying to said as well..k..tats all lazy to type out all the events tat had happen...k..today is the eve of national day...8th of august...erm...actually we gonna to haf the celebration one..haiz..becos of tat workshop...we cannot took part in the road relay..haiz..:( so poor thing..lolz..erm..this is the 1st time in BVSS celebrating national day in a raining day..haha...its rain and rain..seem like not going to stop at all..lolz..but I think tat the rain do stop oni after the whole event had finish..lolz...haha..tats funny...its seem like the heaven dun wan us to celebrate the national dayz...-.-"...k..tats all..tmr gonna to go for NDP..hehe..looking foward..brb..

Friday, August 5 . 5:39 PM

Just came back after the movie "Charlie and the chocolate factory"..the movie is quite nice and funny..haha..almost the same as the book that I had read in sec 1...oni some part is different...erm..today sch was veri veri boring..haiz...all the way feel like sleeping in class..so so sianz..today oni 19 ppl came to sch..lolz..the class was so so quiet...erm..next wk is prelim wk liao..monday is the national day celebration..we will not take part in the road realy as we going for the adam "cool" programme thing from 8 until 9pm..so sianz....tuesday...going for the NDP...wednesday..going to study at home for my prelim as there will be no sch..thursday...prelim started..MT pp 1 & 2..friday...VE and SS..and tats will gonna to be my "time table" for the next wk..how abt urs ?

Thursday, August 4 . 7:40 PM

Just came back from Ngee ann poly..erm..for the physic "course" went there..they just introduce the courses which is the electrical engineering..erm..quite interested in it at 1st..but after the short lesson given by the lectuer over there..haiz..feel like it is really very very difficult...but this course...erm..might be one of my choice barx..if I can be able to get to the poly...k..tats all..lazy to write liaoz..brb